


Várjuk új és már meglévő pácienseinket a 12. kerületi rendelőnkben, ahol a tökéletes mosoly nem csupán egy álom.


Fedezd fel nyugodt, modern fogászatunkat Budapest XII. kerületében!

Új, budai rendelőnk a 12. kerület szívében található, könnyű parkolási lehetőséggel és barátságos környezetben. Két székes rendelőnkben tapasztalt fogorvosaink várják pácienseinket – legyen szó gyermek- vagy felnőttkezelésről. Gyermekbarát váró, kényelmes kialakítás, gyermeksarok és modern technológia gondoskodik róla, hogy minden látogatás kényelmes és stresszmentes legyen.

A DalosDent mosolygós csapata vár a Hegyvidék szívében


We guarantee you'll leave with a wide smile!

We express assurance in the efficacy of our endeavors, substantiated by the guarantees we extend. It is of paramount significance to us that you experience satisfaction with the services we render both prior to, during, and subsequent to the treatments


We are the best at

Dental prosthesis

Do you desire a perfect smile? Crown, bridge, denture – we have solutions for every missing teeth.

Dental implant

A little bit of screwing, and the missing tooth is a thing of the past. Not as daunting as it sounds, right?


We line up your teeth in military precision, at any age!

Patients freed from dental phobia
Patients napped
during the treatment
milk teeth filled
without tears
the question 'This was all?' was uttered

Testimonials about us

Feedbacks from our Patients

Fábos Liza

I am very pleased that Magdi made the veneers for my teeth because she was incredibly kind and friendly from the very first moment. My teeth have been beautiful ever since, and I can always count on Magdi if I need something similar.

Sándorfi Attila

I am 52 years old. Shame or not, I have always been afraid of dentists my whole life. That's why I never liked them. But I found Dalos Dent, and it was a pleasant surprise. Besides the impeccable work, I am grateful to Magdi for her attitude. She approached my anxiety with patience and understanding, helping a lot in overcoming my fear. Thank you, Magdi, for your work and humanity!

Nagy Lukácsné

A dear acquaintance recommended Dr. Dalos, to whom I traveled from the countryside for treatments. I can only speak highly of her both professionally and personally. She is very thorough, conscientious, attentive, patient, and precise. I have been enjoying the 'fruits' of her work for a year now! I confidently and wholeheartedly recommend her to everyone!

Mónus Éva

I have visited Dr. Dalos several times, and so far, I have always left with maximum satisfaction. The atmosphere is very pleasant, and Dr. Dalos was very kind, so I did not perceive dental interventions as a hardship. I can only recommend it to everyone!

Nyeső Viktória

I have been here several times, and each time I left satisfied, with healthier and more beautiful teeth. The first reaction to toothache was not root canal treatment or extraction, as in many places, and my tooth has been doing well ever since. I won't say that I hope to go again soon, but if I ever need dental treatment, I will definitely choose Dalos Dent again.

Fülöp Beatrix

Dr. Magdolna Dalos is very skilled, kind, and patient. She is the first dentist I visit with a smile. Every treatment has been painless. She performs precise and beautiful work. I highly recommend her!!!

Janzsó Péter

Very kind, first-class service. The doctor speaks the language of the patients; if needed, she encourages and praises to make the slight discomfort barely noticeable while she works in my mouth.

Prosthodontics specialist

Dr. Magdolna Dalos

Today, most dental practices advertise themselves with painlessness and the use of the latest technologies. I believe that these are fundamental expectations of a dental clinic, and more should be offered to patients.

For me, a service has always been a negative experience when my questions were answered impatiently, condescendingly, and with technical jargon that I couldn't understand. All I wanted was to understand why things were happening, as that is what would build my trust and make our collaboration successful. Instead, in this vulnerable situation, I felt uncomfortable, refrained from asking more questions, and henceforth avoided such places altogether.

That's exactly why I've decided that such experiences will not occur in the treatments and services provided by our team.

My goal is that we discuss every treatment thoroughly, taking place in a pleasant atmosphere. I guarantee that after our first encounter, you will never arrive at the dental clinic feeling tense and vulnerable.

Dr. Dalos Magdolna fogorvos
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